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Welcome to Westminster School's Alumni webpage. As you look around this section of the website, be sure to update your contact information and share a story or two about what is going on in your lives. The Westminster School Alumni Association has its own Facebook page, so please join our group! You can post stories and share photos. We would love to hear from you!

Did you know that Westminster School has nearly 2000 alums?! It says a great deal about the school that we have so many former students return as teachers, staff members and parents of current students. Because our numbers are growing, it is so important that alums reach out to one another to make connections and keep ties to Westminster School strong. Be on the lookout for future opportunities not only for Westminster alumni to network and build relationships across classes, but also to support the future generations of Westminster School students.

Westminster is interested in and supportive of all students beyond their time in the classrooms. Our Mission Statement says it best: The mission of the Westminster Alumni Association is to foster ongoing friendships among former students and to encourage a continuing relationship with the school. In addition, we wish to preserve and celebrate Westminster's child-friendly environment and the innovation and excellence that characterize the Westminster experience.

If you have alumni updates, questions, or would like to find out more about how you can participate in and support Westminster School or our Alumni Association, please feel free to contact me!

Emmery Frejo
Director of Communications