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Middle Division

Westminster Middle Division is characterized by active learning and high academic standards. Teachers focus on the three main goals for their students: to think critically and creatively to solve problems, to develop the ability to work with others, and to develop the self-discipline needed to complete assignments in a timely and responsible manner. Westminster graduates are known for their confidence in expressing their opinions, their creative problem solving, their excellent writing skills, and their ability to think well, work hard, and work well with others.





Classes end at 3:30 p.m. each day, but teachers are available to work with students in their classrooms until 4:30 p.m. every day except Thursdays. During this time, students are able to receive extra help or make up work they missed during an absence.

Students participating in sports or drama productions also often meet after school.


Requirements for graduation from Westminster School are based on a student’s satisfactory progress, as defined by the school’s evaluation procedure, in both grades and effort each year the student is in middle school. In addition, during his or her eighth grade year each student must satisfactorily complete four comprehensive projects illustrating the student’s ability to work hard, think well, and work well with others. These required projects are the Magazine Publication, the Identity Book, The Greatest Country essay, and the Business Project.